
Send to kindle app large files
Send to kindle app large files

Due to its large file size, this book may take longer to download. Download the free Kindle app and start reading Kindle books instantly on your smartphone. If you still don’t see your eBook or document, try pressing the “Sync” button on your Kindle app. Buying and sending Kindle eBooks to others.Just place any eBook that you want to transfer to Kindle to that folder and in just a few minutes, your eBook will also appear on your Kindle device. You can find the folder if you go to Dropbox/Apps/kindle-box. After going through all of that, the web app will add a special folder to your Dropbox account.Click the “Activate Kindlebox” button on the overlay window to confirm.Once you’re on “Manage Your Content and Devices”, click the “Activate Kindlebox” bookmarklet and then select your Kindle device.You will also be prompted to log in to your Amazon account. It will take you to your Amazon Kindle’s “Content and Devices Manager”. What’s next? Just click the Amazon Kindle link provided in the Kindlebox set up guide.Once done, you will be asked to drag and place the Kindlebox bookmarklet to your browser’s bookmarks bar.Once you’re on Kindlebox, click “Get Kindlebox” and then connect the app to your Dropbox account.

send to kindle app large files

It’s a free web app that lets you send the eBooks that you have on Dropbox to your Kindle app. First, click here to go to “ Kindlebox”.

Send to kindle app large files how to#

How to easily send eBooks to Kindle from a Dropbox folder If you are thinking of a quick and easy way to send the eBooks that you have on Dropbox to your Kindle app, then all you need to do is read and follow the steps listed in this post.

send to kindle app large files

Apparently, you can open and read these eBooks right within Dropbox but what if you prefer using Kindle? Let’s just say that you’ve downloaded a bunch of eBooks and you decided to store them on your Dropbox account.

Send to kindle app large files