Plustek scanners with M1 MacBook Air and MacBook Pro: the stability has been improved and the driver has been updated.Some Microtek scanner owners had detection issues because of different series of scanners of the type in the market - solved.General: The number of watermarks in demo mode has been reduced.General: The infrared-based dust and scratch removal function (iSRD) has been improved for Kodachrome images.Reflecta ProScan 10T: Updated driver installation.SilverFast HDR Studio: Change inbetween JobManager entries extremely slow.Microtek 9800XL Plus: 400, 600, and 800 PPI are now available for scanning.Film eject button had been present by error - fixed.General: Changed interface for dialogue.SilverFast HDR Studio: Indicating what effect a slider will have.General: The Scan Dimensions "Save Settings" action now also saves the path.macOS 11 Big Sur: images can be displayed again after the scan.General: long domain names are now accepted when logging in.The automatic overview scan can be re-activated in the preferences. DigitDia and Powerslide series: The overview scan doesn't start automatically any more.
Single Archive Command: The tabs have been re-organized for a more natural left-to-right flow.

The user interface of SilverFast 9 is newly developed to current standards so that you can access all major functions quickly and easily. The SilverFast Preview Concept allows you to see the result of any adjusted setting in the preview window immediately. Turning your analog originals into convincing scans is very simple, with complex operations becoming like child's play. As a kind of assistant, it guides you in the correct order through all the processing steps required for your individual workflow.

The WorkflowPilot, a unique feature, is a core element of the new software.

In combination with a variety of innovative ideas and the usage of current software technology, SilverFast 9 has evolved into what we can proudly present as the best scanner software. LaserSoft Imaging has gained over 25 years of experience in the development of imaging software. SilverFast (Epson) is LaserSoft's software for Epson scanners.